Monday 23 January 2017

Specific Pacific

I have to admit to not being as well read as many. A few months ago I heard of a Pacific Diver reported off the Northumberland Coast, one of those moments in esteemed company when you smile and take a step back, something I do often as it happens, but really, I'd never heard of this Diver. I researched, halfheartedly and then forgot about it all, this bird was never seen again.

During the last week however, reports of Back Throated Diver had been coming through, offshore and estuaries, even ponds. Interesting, some Black Throated Divers turning up. 

One however had raised eyebrows and had been identified as Pacific Diver. This bird was on East Chevington reserve. For a change too it was Saturday morning and I was free to take a look, I met Stewart and off we went.

All the time, even though I had done some more identification reading, I as thinking, this will be a tricky identification and will be thankful it will be the only Diver on show. Had I been alone and not been previously alerted to Pacific Diver identification I don't know what I'd have made of it, its a lot easier when its already identified and all you have to do is study and compare.

The bird was in the center of the partly ice covered north Pool and viewable from the coast path with a telescope. 

What a fabulous bird. 

I returned home and checked messages on the local Whatsapp group only to find some great photographs being posted and reports of ridiculously close views had on Druridge Bay Country Park, just a stones throw further north. No chance to get back to the bird but tomorrow is Sunday and we went back for seconds..

Two very cold and grey mornings but enjoyable birding, and, not at all like me, it was nice to be a part of it all, meet up with some familiar faces again and learn something. Think I'm growing old compliantly.

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